Thursday, December 19, 2013

Multiplication LiveBinder

European Explorers LiveBinder

In fourth grade we have been exploring European Explorers. The students enjoyed learning about Christopher Columbus, John Cabot, Jacques Cartier, and many other explorers. Students used the Explorer LiveBinder to research European explorers.


Christmas LiveBinder

Sunday, December 8, 2013

December 9-13


  • Use arrays to represent and explain division of a 2-digit by a 1-digit number
  • Use place value and rectangular arrays to represent and explain division of a 2-digit by a 1-digit number
  • Apply understanding about whole number quotients and remainders to solve problems


  • Continue to complete draft of community profile
  • Compose a conclusion that synthesizes information from the community profile and business analysis
  • Use punctuation for effect to convey meaning.
  • Edit writing for correct use of capitalization


  • Use evidence from the text to explain what the text says explicitly and make inferences
  • Describe overall cause and effect structure of events, ideas, concepts, or information in text

Social Studies

  • Describe goals of European explorers through paraphrasing key ideas in order to summarize a text
  • Analyze how the arrival of Columbus impacted Native American societies-  Columbian Exchange


  • Describe the impact of human decisions and technology use on the natural environment


  • Baltimore Aquarium field trip on Friday!
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Career Day

We are in the process of planning a Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Career Day to be held at Cloverly Elementary School on Friday, January 24th between 9:00am and 11:00am.  In order to make this event a success – we need your help! We are looking for parents or somebody you may know that would be willing to come to Cloverly and present aspects of their career to a class or a grade level.  The objective of this program is to have students exposed to STEM careers.  All presenters will be given general guidelines, “helpful hints”, and any AV equipment to ensure success of their presentations.  

If you are interested in participating, please complete the following information and return this form to the main office, c/o Mrs. Rachel Sifri.  Please call if you have questions 301-989-5770.
____Yes!  I am interested in volunteering as a presenter at Career Day.
____I would like to volunteer to help with Career Day but I am unable to be a presenter.
Child’s Teacher:____________________________
Phone Number:_____________________________
E-Mail Address:____________________________
Occupation/Expertise to Share:_______________________________
Monday, November 25, 2013

November 25-27


  • Apply place value understanding to convert metric units
  • Use multiplicative reasoning to convert units of time


  • Take community profile graphic organizer and transfer into individual sentences
  • Use sentences to complete an informational paragraph


  • Review greed and generosity.  Read the Junior Great Books story, Prot and Krot
  • Re-read Prot and Krot to mark the text where the characters make either a good decision or a bad decision
  • Identify the theme in Prot and Krot

Social Studies

  • Describe how the use of technology causes negative changes to our environment and describe human activities that cause negative changes to our environment


  • Design an investigation to test the impact of pollution on our environment


  • Book It forms are due on Wednesday.
Saturday, November 16, 2013

November 18-22

Unifying question:  How does adding details improve my work?
Examining details from text to determine the theme of a story


  • Develop understanding of the perimeter and area formula of a rectangle
  • Measure and apply the area formula for rectangles
  • Apply area and perimeter formulas for rectangles to solve problems


  • Write a poem about sketch done the previous week- achieving a goal
  • Use poem to revise for punctuation, sentence fragments, and run-on sentences


  • Explain the meaning of similes and metaphors
  • Analyze the poem "Mother to Son" and discuss the figurative language used to promote their understanding of the poem
  • Compare major structural differences between poems, drama, and prose

    Social Studies

  • Identify opportunity costs of economic decisions made by businesses- production


  • Describe how natural events impact the survival of organisms in an ecosystem


  • Monday- Field trip to Blake High School to see "Pippin"
  • Friday- Turkey Disguise project due
Thursday, November 14, 2013

Young Authors Contest

Who:  Students in Grades 2-5
What:  Write a Poem or Short Story
  • Entries must be original work by one student
  • All entries with no less than 12 point font using NewTimes Roman or Comic Sans font
  • Short story entry may range from a minimum of 2 paragraphs to no more than (3) typed pages
  • Poem entry will consist of a single poem, any style or length
  • Entries must not include graphics
  • Include a completed “Cover Sheet” signed by the student author, parent, and sponsoring teacher 
  • You can find the cover sheet on the Cloverly website

Entries due: Monday, December 2, 2013

Monday, November 11, 2013

MCPS Parent Newsletters

MCPS Parent Newsletters are now posted on the MCPS website for each quarter.  Listed below are the newsletters for Marking Period 2 for reading and math. You can visit the website here.





Young Authors Contest

SoMIRAC’s 2013-2014
Young Authors Contest
Grades 2-5

Who:  Students in Grades 2-5
What:  Write a Poem or Short Story

!   Entries must be original work by one student
!   All entries with no less than 12 point font using NewTimes Roman or Comic Sans font
!   Short story entry may range from a minimum of 2 paragraphs to no more than (3) typed pages
!   Poem entry will consist of a single poem, any style or length
!   Entries must not include graphics
!   Include a completed “Cover Sheet” signed by the student author, parent, and sponsoring teacher
!   Type in school address, teacher’s name, and email on cover sheet

If you have any questions, please email Kristy Delikat at

Entries due: Monday, December 2, 2013
Sunday, November 10, 2013

November 11-15


  • Use area models and arrays to represent and explain multiplication of a 3 or 4 digit number by a 1 digit number
  • Use place value models represent and explain multiplication of a 3 or 4 digit number by a 1 digit number
  • Use place value and properties of operations to represent and explain multiplication of a 3 or 4 digit number by a 1 digit number
  • Apply understandings of patterns and properties of operations to sort products (3 and  4 digit by 1 digit


  • During week 2, students experiment with a variety of ways to create poetry using language skills.  By manipulating prepositions and transitions, students are able to develop an understanding of how to apply these language skills when composing any type of writing.  
  • Students will compose a poem that forecasts how they will feel when they accomplish a personal goal using precise word choice and description.


  • Compare major differences between poems and a drama by referring to the structural elements of each when writing or speaking about a text.
  • Draw evidence from literary texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.


  • Students were given new spelling words on Monday.  The next spelling test will be on Friday, November 22nd.


  • Describe how natural events can impact the survival of organisms in an ecosystem
  • Identify and describe natural events that cause changes in the eco-column

Social Studies

  • Describe how new technologies impact specialization resulting in the interdependence of people
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

November 4-8


  • Use area models and arrays to solve 2 digit by 1 digit multiplication problems
  • Use place value strategies to solve 2 digit by 1 digit multiplication problems
  • Use place value and properties of operations to represent and explain multiplication using 2 digit by 1 digit numbers
  • Use place value and properties of operations to represent and explain multiplication using 2 digit by 1 digit numbers
  • Use place value understanding to generalize about the values of the digits in multi-digit numbers


  • Introduce the elements of poetry
  • Read different examples of poetry
  • Draw on specific details of a play and use the structure to describe events, setting, and characters Establish a situation and introducing characters.
  • Describe in depth a character by including specific details in a character sketch
  • Develop and strengthen writing by revising.
  • Choose words to convey ideas precisely


  • Review characteristics of a play and read the play The Gifts of Wali Dad
  • Identify where the characters use effort/motivation/persistence
  • Recognize and explain the meaning of common proverbs

Marking Period 1 and 2 Overview

I can't believe that marking period one is already over!  This year is really flying by.  Here is an overview of what we covered in the first marking period and what we will be learning in the second marking period.

Marking Period 1


Marking Period 2

Classroom Pictures


Live Binder

We are so lucky to have laptops in our classroom.  I love using the laptops as a center for my reading and math rotations.  I recently discovered LiveBinders and have been obsessed with it since.  It's a great way to put all of our technology resources and websites in one place. 
They’re basically virtual three ring binders where you can organize all of your websites, documents, movies, and images into tabs and subtabs and then share your “stuff” on the web. Click on the binders below to see some of my examples: