Thursday, December 19, 2013

Multiplication LiveBinder

European Explorers LiveBinder

In fourth grade we have been exploring European Explorers. The students enjoyed learning about Christopher Columbus, John Cabot, Jacques Cartier, and many other explorers. Students used the Explorer LiveBinder to research European explorers.


Christmas LiveBinder

Sunday, December 8, 2013

December 9-13


  • Use arrays to represent and explain division of a 2-digit by a 1-digit number
  • Use place value and rectangular arrays to represent and explain division of a 2-digit by a 1-digit number
  • Apply understanding about whole number quotients and remainders to solve problems


  • Continue to complete draft of community profile
  • Compose a conclusion that synthesizes information from the community profile and business analysis
  • Use punctuation for effect to convey meaning.
  • Edit writing for correct use of capitalization


  • Use evidence from the text to explain what the text says explicitly and make inferences
  • Describe overall cause and effect structure of events, ideas, concepts, or information in text

Social Studies

  • Describe goals of European explorers through paraphrasing key ideas in order to summarize a text
  • Analyze how the arrival of Columbus impacted Native American societies-  Columbian Exchange


  • Describe the impact of human decisions and technology use on the natural environment


  • Baltimore Aquarium field trip on Friday!
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Career Day

We are in the process of planning a Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Career Day to be held at Cloverly Elementary School on Friday, January 24th between 9:00am and 11:00am.  In order to make this event a success – we need your help! We are looking for parents or somebody you may know that would be willing to come to Cloverly and present aspects of their career to a class or a grade level.  The objective of this program is to have students exposed to STEM careers.  All presenters will be given general guidelines, “helpful hints”, and any AV equipment to ensure success of their presentations.  

If you are interested in participating, please complete the following information and return this form to the main office, c/o Mrs. Rachel Sifri.  Please call if you have questions 301-989-5770.
____Yes!  I am interested in volunteering as a presenter at Career Day.
____I would like to volunteer to help with Career Day but I am unable to be a presenter.
Child’s Teacher:____________________________
Phone Number:_____________________________
E-Mail Address:____________________________
Occupation/Expertise to Share:_______________________________